mobile updating

9:16 AM / Posted by Michael Krumbine / comments (0)

Okay, so this will be Short. But I just had to do it. I finally got my iPhone yesterday an I downloaded the blogger app. I am amazed by this phone and all the new features that I am finding. I mean really. I can update my blog while I am out and about! I could. Be anywhere and still have acces to my blog. I love it!

The best thing thy I have downloaded so far has got to be the pandora app. Who needs to buy music when you have free streaming music that learns your likes and dislikes???? Incredible!

Anyways. That's it just wanted to do this because I could!

Mobile Blogging from here.

mobile updating

9:09 AM / Posted by Michael Krumbine / comments (0)

Okay, so this will be Short. But I just had to do it. I finally got my iPhone yesterday an I downloaded the blogger app. I am amazed by this phone and all the new features that I am finding. I mean really. I can update my blog while I am out and about! I could. Be anywhere and still have acces to my blog. I love it!

The best thing thy I have downloaded so far has got to be the pandora app. Who needs to buy music when you have free streaming music that learns your likes and dislikes???? Incredible!

Anyways. That's it just wanted to do this because I could!

Our Finest GIfts...

11:43 PM / Posted by Michael Krumbine / comments (0)

Today in church, I heard a sermon that really made me think, so I thought I would share it.  It was titled "Our Finest Gifts we Bring."  and no there was no "pa rum pum pum pum" after it.   It was the last in the series, and I unfortunately was not there for the first two.    Pastor Ron of The Rock Church of WIlmington started off this morning by talking about Christmas lists.  Everyone makes a christmas list, from child to adult, we all do it.  We all have lots of things that we want.  Whether or not we write them down, we have stored away somewhere in those crazy brains of ours.    He posed the question: "if you could give a gift to God, what would it be?"  Clearly everyone would want to give their 'finest', but what does that mean?  Basic human instinct would be to say I would give him the most expensive thing I can find!  Or we would find somethign that was really important to us and give that. Pastor Ron used the example of his wedding band.  It was a ring that his wife gave to him many years ago, but it was not the original band.  This wedding ring symbolizes so much in their marriage, and it is something that he would not give up for all the money in the world, but his instinct would be to give that to God.  But he pointed out that God doesn't want any of that. Everything is already his.  He doesn't need gold rings, or an island in the caribbean.  God's Christmas list is nothing like yours or mine.  God's Christmas list contains a three simple things. Praise/worship, Obedience, and Love.  We should praise Him, not only when we get the big check in the mail that we weren't expecting, but when we are living from pay check to pay check too.  God wants us to be obedient in living our life for him.  Lastly, He wants us to love.  In the book of Matthew, A Pharisees tests Jesus with a question:

  "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?"  Jesus replied, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments" 

As you can see by these verses, God wants us to love him with every fiber of our being.  Not just on Sundays for two hours, but every second of every day.  These are our finest gifts.  You don't realize that God would want something so simple.  Not the newest iPhone or video game, but LOVE.  It's amazing to me that a being so GREAT and POWERFUL could want something so small.  At the same time, I don't think there is anything more powerful than love.  

What do you think?


11:09 PM / Posted by Michael Krumbine / comments (0)

So I just my first group in house at the hotel this past weekend, followed this week by my 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5t, 6th, and 7th groups!  It's safe to say that I am crazy busy, and its honestly exhausting me.  Not only did I have to deal with my groups on Sunday and Monday, I had to deal with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  That was an ordeal!  It took about 15 of us to make sure their arrival went smoothly, and 4 of us spent all day sunday preparing their room keys and information packets.  That went well, but of course there were plenty of issues with my first groups.  the service request form i submitted last week for 10 internet lines didn't make it to engineering, so at 7:30 this morning when the meeting was supposed to start, there were no internet lines.  The other major issue that took up half of my day was the front desk completely messed up the billing for another group.  so, it's been tiring!  With all of that said, I absolutely love my job!

I just downloaded objectdock from Stardock at the recommendation of my friend Thomas.  It is one of the best things I could have done!  It enabled me to completely clear my desktop, including the windows toolbar.  Now all I have a dock at the bottom of the screen just like the one that Apple computers have.  Its fantastic!  This is one of the main reasons why I love apple computers.  I still want one, but this is a step in the right direction.  speaking of apple, I'm officially in countdown mode until I get my iPhone!  18 days! woohoo!  I have been waiting somewhat "patiently" for quite a while!

Lauren and I are looking for a new place to live once our lease is up. Too bad we can't move now!  We are quickly finding out that the area that we live is not the safest.  After speaking with a police officer who is stationed in this district, I found out the the majority of the crime in the area is violent crime. meaning shootings, stabbings, etc.  and then several incidents have happened in the last few weeks, including an armed robbery within our complex.  We hope to find  a 2BR house or condo in Southend or Uptown so that we will be closer to work.  

time to watch Letterman and see if I can find my parents in the crowd. until next time...

Palin??? I think not!

3:54 PM / Posted by Michael Krumbine / comments (0)

Ok, so Sarah Palin is dangerously close to being, quite literally, a heartbeat away from presidency. I'm not sure that this is something that I, or the American people for that matter, are ready to stomach. I absolutely commend what Palin has done in Alaska. Under her leadership, Alaska invested $5 billion in state savings, overhauled education funding, and implemented the Senior Benefits Program that provides support for low-income older Alaskans. She created Alaska’s Petroleum Systems Integrity Office to provide oversight and maintenance of oil and gas equipment, facilities and infrastructure, and the Climate Change Subcabinet to prepare a climate change strategy for Alaska. As Mayor, she was able to reduce property taxes significantly. All of things things are fantastic for the State of Alaska, and shows that Governor Palin definitely has potential in the political world. However, I don't feel like these things qualify her to be the next VP of the United States.

Palin is a great speaker, and she knows how to woo the crowd, when she has a script. When she is unprepared, all of the sudden, she doesn't know how to answer the important questions. Take her interview with Katie Couric for instance. She was asked several questions several times in a row, that she could not answer. One specifically is examples of how McCain has support more oversight on Wall Street to which she replied, after the 4th time, "I'll try to find you some I'll bring them back to you." Clearly the woman does not know what she is talking about. She was given talking points that she was supposed to mention, and she did, but she couldn't elaborate on a single one of them when Katie asked more questions about them. The VP debate was more of the same, although she was better prepared this time. In this case, she was able to avoid the questions all together because they could not be asked again.

Presidential candidates aside, I'm not willing to take a gamble on putting Sarah Palin in the White House. I feel that this would be a grave mistake.

With all of that said. I pray for whoever America votes into office come November 4th. I pray that God will give them the wisdom and strength neccesary for this job. I will also respect the vote, and give all of my respect to the new President and Vice President of The United States.

"Date Night"

9:17 PM / Posted by Michael Krumbine / comments (0)

I'm pretty excited about a couple of things right now.  First off, I am really excited about going on a date with my wife tomorrow.  I have realized as we move further into our new life together that it becomes increasingly important to have a "date night."  It's so easy to get into a routine of doing the same thing all the time.  In our case, that is: come home from work, make dinner, watch TV, clean the kitchen, go to bed, and get up and do it all over again.  You have to have some spike in that routine, otherwise, you lose the excitement in life.  

Secondly, I am really excited about the weekend of October 4th.  My brother, my Dad, and I are going to Miami for the weekend.   This means that I get to go to Mario's!!!  I haven't had Yo's in several years. Mario's has the best garlic rolls ever made.....literally.  just look at them:
   Look at all the oil and garlic.....Amazing!

On Saturday, we are going to Dolphin Stadium early to tailgate ALL day until the Canes play the seminoles.  Hopefully my loss streak ends with this game. I've seen them play at Carolina twice, and they lost both times, and I saw them in the Orange Bowl last October....they lost then too.  On Sunday we plan to do it all over again for the Dolphins/Chargers game!  I'm a little less optimistic about this game, but fun none the less.  Did I mention I was excited??? 

Now that you are fully aware of what I am excited about, I am going to bed....

Sickness and Football

2:37 PM / Posted by Michael Krumbine / comments (1)

Okay, so being sick sucks. I thought I was going to fight it off, but alas it took me over. Right now, I feel like my head is going to explode, and let me tell you.....that is not a good feeling. Granted, I'd rather the feeling than my head actually exploding, but you know....

On to more pressing matters. I'm currently in a fantasy football league in which I paid money for.....and i'm 0-2. And yes there are still 14 games to go, but there is definitely reson for concern. I was relying on David Garrard (JAX, QB) to lead my team because he was fantastic last season. In 12 games, he threw 3 interceptions, 18 touchdowns, 2500+ yards, and he was sacked only 21 times. In two games he has thrown 3 INT to match last years total, been sacked 9 times and thrown 380 yards and 1 TD. The worst part about this is that My backup is none other than Miami Dolphins QB Chad Pennington! So, I'm somewhat of a lost cause in the QB department. On top of that my supposed "star" RB and WR (Steven Jackson, and Braylon Edwards) have given me a whopping 7 points over two weeks. I've got to find a solution and fast!

There are some bright spots in my situation, I was able to pick up Eddie Royal after his brilliant rookie performance, and I have the likes of Darren McFadden and the Bears defense in my lineup. Wish me luck this week as I take on a team who promises that my Zany Fish will be floating upside down in toxic waste after he's through with them.